
Six Steps to Remove Gum from Carpet

Home Improvement

Chew gum is the most common thing to find in carpets. Gum, a sticky substance, can be difficult to remove from carpet’s soft fibers. Chewing gum’s flexible texture means it can easily get into tiny crevices and form a strong bond with almost anything it touches.

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You can only pull the gum from carpets with your hands. It will not stretch or break apart leaving behind a chunky residue. It can be difficult to get rid of the sticky residue from carpets. But once you know how it works, you will find that it is not difficult. Continue reading to find out how to remove carpet gum and what items are required to do the job.

How to remove carpet gum in 6 steps

Clear your memory of past failures in removing gum from carpets or rugs. This method is applicable to all types of rugs, including those made from hemp, jute or wool, as well as synthetic fibers and blended fibers. Remember that the process will be easier if you can remove the gum as soon as possible.

Are you ready to get started? You can take a deep breath, relax and follow these steps without stress to get gum off carpet.

Step 1: Prepare the area.

Cut a small hole in your gum using a thin piece. For example, a spiral notebook’s back would be a good choice. The cardboard acts as a shield to protect the carpet surrounding the gum while you are removing it. Place the cardboard on top of the gum.

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Step 2: Freeze your gum.

Rub the gum with an ice cube placed inside a plastic bag. The plastic bag prevents the melting ice from soaking everything. Continue to rub the ice on the gum until it becomes hard. It is much easier to get rid of frozen gum because the process causes the molecules in the gum to contract and relax their bond to the carpet. You can spray the gum with an aerosol product such as Zenex ZenaFreeze instead of using ice.

Step 3: Scrape gum.

After the gum has hardened, you can remove it with a dull knife or spatula. Continue with the next steps if there are any stubborn pieces left or stains.

Step 4: Remove any residue.

Apply lacquer thinner such as Klean Strip Green to remaining gum pieces with a sponge. You should follow all safety precautions as lacquer thinners can be flammable and emit toxic fumes. Also, you might try De-Solv -It or Goo Gone, which are citrus-based adhesive removal products. You can carefully blot and scrape out any remaining gums until they are gone.

Step 5: Get rid of the stain.

There may still be a stain even after you have removed all the gum. Mix one part mineral oil and eight parts liquid dry-cleaning agent, such as Forcefield, to remove the stain. Use a little bit of the oil to stain. Then, use a sponge to press it down. Also, remove any cardboard from the area. This will make it easier to blot the stain. Do not rub the stain as it could worsen. Continue the process and blot the area until the stain is gone.

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Step 6: Rinse the area and dry it.

Then rinse the area with water. Blot any excess moisture with a towel to dry it.

How to get the gum out of your carpet

A small piece of cardboard, scissors: Although it isn’t necessary, this additional item helps to make the cleanup process easier.

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Ice or Zenex ZenaFreeze (or something similar):

Plastic bags: The bag should not have holes. A plastic bag prevents ice from melting everywhere.

Use a scraping device: Avoid using anything with sharp edges as they can cause damage to your carpet. A thumb scraper is an option. This durable texture is great for breaking down hardened gum without damaging your carpet.

This is necessary to dissolve any remaining gum. Klean-Strip Green is a good choice. It has a 20% biodegradable, sustainable content, and does not contain any ozone-depleting chemical. It can also be used to remove paint or as a cleaning tool.

Citrus-based cleaners : These cleaners can be used in place of lacquer thinners. However, they will require more elbow grease and may take a little longer to soak and remove all residue.

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Forcefield is a dry cleaning solvent that works well on carpets and all types of upholstery. It is best to test it on a small area, as some people report that it can cause colors to run.

Paper towels and spongers: You can use either one or both to remove small pieces and gum stains from your carpet.

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