
Plumbing – Career Preparation Options


Training for a career in plumbing can be done by completing an educational program through an accredited vocational school or college. Students can gain the skills and knowledge needed to pursue an exciting new career in the construction field. Plumbers are trained to carry out a number of tasks which can be learned through various accredited vocational schools. Plumbing career preparations options can help you learn about the options for completing a program at the certificate or associate degree training level.

Certificate level training for a career in plumbing can be completed by enrolling in an accredited program. Study at this level can take anywhere from six months to one year for students to complete. Coursework will vary by program but will teach students to repair, install, and maintain various pipe and water systems. Specific coursework may consist of:

  • Hot and Cold Water Distribution
  • Sanitary Waste Disposal
  • Commercial Plumbing
  • Plumbing Safety
  • Plumbing Systems
  • Residential Plumbing

…and many other relevant courses of study. With knowledge in these areas students can prepare to seek out employment in a number of areas. Possible careers can include working for:

  • Water Treatment Facilities
  • Office Buildings
  • Residential Buildings
  • Powerplants
  • Homeowners
  • New Construction

…and many other related facilities. With an accredited certificate in the field of plumbing students can seek out the career they desire. Students looking to gain a more in depth education in this field can do so by enrolling in an accredited associate level degree training career program.

Gaining a degree in plumbing can be done by completing an accredited program through a vocational or trade school. Students who wish to earn an associate degree in this field can prepare for a number of work related responsibilities including maintaining and repairing various pipework and plumbing fixtures. Specific areas of study and coursework will vary by school or college and each individual student’s desired career. Curriculum may consist of subjects such as:

  • Blueprint Reading
  • Math
  • Plumbing Codes
  • Applied Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Plumbing Regulations
  • Computers
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…and much more. Students will learn to work with a variety of systems with training and skills in these areas. Accredited associate degrees will allow students to learn HVAC, plumbing, and construction. Students can also complete maintenance training, and more. Accredited vocational training programs can allow students to receive the skills needed to enter into a successful career. Income will be based on the level of education and place of employment.

Students can enroll in continuing education programs to gain more knowledge or enhance their skills in the field. Accredited educational programs are available to provide students with the career training they need and desire. Full accreditation is a school or college’s proof that they will provide a quality education. Agencies like the American Council for Construction Education ( ) are approved to accredit various educational programs. Students can start by researching various plumbing schools and colleges and requesting more information about the certificate or degree of their choice.

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