
Finding Your Personal Style

Sports Style

You might have a fabulous personality, an outstanding intellect and a lot of sense of humor, but the first impression is always given by your exterior aspect, your look, that is, your clothes. In its purest meaning, fashion is a remarkable tool which can make you shine and noticeable and gives the other persons the opportunity to discover you just the way you are.

If you have passed over the periods when you would dress exactly as your favorite singer and you have already experienced different styles in order to check which one is best for you, it is about time you built up your own personal style to “speak about” who you really are. Just have fun while customizing your unique style!

The secret for the success of the process is taking risks and being honest to you! The first idea that you must keep in mind is that you should by no means try to adopt different style which are fashionable for the time being only. If you once try on the sports style, then you opt for urban and punk, and, afterward you go back to the elegant dresses which once your mom used to force you to wear, than, your wardrobe will turn into complete mess.

It is OK to mingle different theme, but keep only those clothes which fit you, characterize you and make you feel comfortable. Moreover, you might want to combine expensive skirts with more price-accessible accessories. You cannot always wear the latest trends in fashion design, but also go for cheap and eye-catching bargains. They have their role as well and, more than that, you also save some money.

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If you know your style, you cannot go wrong. Have a glimpse to the clothes made by a couple of popular fashion designers and see which ones you like and which one fits you. Then, go to their shops and try them on. If you do not have a significant amount of money available for this, then you might want to check the similar items in cheaper shops. Act as if you were your own personal stylist and picture yourself giving some pieces of advice to someone who would like to renew his/her wardrobe.