
Brisbane Boxing – Why Women Enjoy Fitness Boxing Or Boxercise in Brisbane

Fitness Style

Boxing has grown in popularity in Brisbane due to the increase of boxing and kickboxing promotions or ‘fight nights’. Brisbane would only see a handful of fight nights per year, but now they are popping up at least once or twice a month, from a small gym scale such as Northside Boxings ‘fight night’ which has only started this month in June to the massive gold coast ‘Cage Fighting Championships’. These fight nights have obviously motivated a lot of people to try their hand at boxing, and surprisingly just as many women are getting into it as are men. But as with most things, the training wheels will come on first, so many are taking up fitness style boxing or ‘boxercise’ first.

Personal trainers in Brisbane and the Gold Coast have also had a significant impact on the rise of boxing style fitness and for a few reasons.

Firstly personal training is a popular occupation in Brisbane and there are many who are just getting there start in the industry, as a result many choose to start out as mobile outdoor personal trainers as it is more cost effective than setting up there own gym. Also for many living in Brisbane there is a big appeal for being outdoors. The weather here for most of the year is great for outdoor activitites, and Brisbane has many well kept local parks that mobile personal trainers take there clients for training sessions.

Boxing style fitness works great in this way because the equipment is very mobile. Just a set of focus pads, boxing gloves and skipping ropes with a few hand held weights is all it takes to be ready for a boxing workout.

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As you can see personal trainers in Brisbane and their choice to train outside using an effective, mobile, results getting method that takes advantage of Brisbane’s fine weather has it’s part to play in the growing popularity for boxing style fitness. However the true reason for its growth in popularity is in its effectiveness to get results for clients.

So let me share with you why I think women in particular enjoy fitness boxing in Brisbane aka ‘Boxercise’.

Firstly let’s address something that is very specific to Brisbane which I have touched on earlier – the weather.

Many of us who live in Brisbane have a tendency to want to be outside. The weather is great and the layout of Brisbane is such that it is always inviting you to be outside. So naturally training outside is a good fit for most people who live here.

Yes you might be thinking ‘well why train for boxing outside?’ To be fair not all personal trainers decide to train outside, but those that do recognize the value of mobility, and fitness style boxing permits that, hence the reason so many use it outdoors.