

Fire shutters: A comprehensive guide

What are fire shutters? The fire shutter is similar to standard roller shutters in design. The fire shutter’s design has been modified to make sure it is safe from fire. A fire shutter can be used as an emergency exit or to ‘close’ the fire. Foam Spray Insulation Ltd has been in business for more ...


The Top 5 Characteristics of a Construction Worker

You can expand your business with competent staff, or you can be a contractor looking to increase your employability. Here are the top 5 traits that construction workers should possess and why they are so important. Rated Builders London have some highly qualified professionals on our team who are committed to providing high-quality services. We are ...


Tips to Sell Your Home during the Holidays

It can be difficult to sell your home during holidays. Agents may advise that you keep your home on the market as “you’ll know the potential buyers are serious.” While this may be true in certain areas, it is not the norm for all real estate agents. They want to see your home listed, regardless of when ...


Garden Room Maintenance: 3 Top Tips

The longevity of your Garden Room depends on how well you maintain it. Your Garden Room will be more likely to be passed on through generations if you take care of it. Modern Garden Rooms are gorgeous, hand-crafted, modern garden rooms gardens, garden offices, garden studios and custom-designed outdoor garden structures that are suitable to be ...


Top Rendering Tips

The benefits of rendering The rendering of a property protects the building from outside factors like rain and damp, which can cause structural damage. It helps insulate the house to keep it warmer in winter. Rendering can be a great option if you’re looking to sell your house. It can increase the property’s value and make ...


How to maintain a sewer line

Low Areas (Sags and Bellies) Low areas can, depending on their severity, slow down the movement of debris or stop water from flowing through a sewer pipe. If there is enough solids or debris in a low area it can block the flow of water and cause a blockage. This can lead to a costly, often ...


The Supply House of the year: “Wool Plumbing Supply”

Many of the “boots-on-the ground” PHCP/PVF distributors, which started as a family business years ago, have lost their family ownership and are now being run by generations of family members. Wool Plumbing Supply, south Florida’s Supply House Times Supply House, was named the Supply House Times Supply House House of the Year. It has mastered ...


How to get the right size “plumbing escutcheon”

Is your plumbing escutcheon rusted and in desperate need of repair? Are you looking for new escutcheons that match the size of your new kitchen or bathroom renovation pipe? You need to know how to choose the right size for your needs. We are Mr. Rooter Plumbing in Youngstown and we offer quality commercial and ...