
Become a trendsetter on ROPOSO with these simple tips!


ROPOSO is every fashionista’s solace, her ideal destination and favourite forum for everything from apparel to accessories, and makeup to mehendi If you’re crazy about fashion you sure must have visited this fashion based website, with its simple and interactive interface and amazing features. Know all there is to know about fashion here. Be it the latest clothes collection, beauty tips and solutions, mix and match suggestions, hairstyles, shoes, DIY projects…everything is available here! But ROPOSO is so much more than just another fashion blog, it gives its users a chance to express their opinion, share their ideas on a global platform. Become a trendsetter on ROPOSO with innovative and interesting ideas. This article discusses the various ways in which you can trend on ROPOSO. Check them out!

Give to your readers a feast for the eyes!

Stuff that looks good sells good. This rule is applicable to both the real and virtual world. No matter how innovative and engaging your content be, if it’s presented in a haphazard and unattractive manner, no one will bother reading it. Add attractive colourful pictures and make your content more appealing. Also, the audience understands the idea much better if shown a picture of it rather than writing pages on it! Break down your content into subheadings with catchy captions to make it more organised. Most users just browse through the heading only reading it if they like what they see.

Variety is the spice of life and also your ROPOSO profile!

Posting content about something you love and being good at it is amazing but venturing out into unchartered waters is better! Experiment and be open to ideas. A true fashionista is always curious to learn more about fashion, she has an unquenchable thirst for it. Fashion is just not about clothes, it is the all -round look that consists of matching shoes, bags, accessories, the right makeup and the attitude to carry it all confidently as well! Offer your audience variety and become a fashion diva!


Reach out to more people, add hashtags

Huge and indispensable parts of social networking, hashtags are the new “in” thing in the market! You can find them trending everywhere, be it Facebook, twitter, any online news website, and even a fashion website like ROPOSP. Use these fun and catchy hashtags to make you content more appealing. also it serves a practical purpose as well, hashtags connect your content with other similar topics and keep them trending. Start a trend with these hashtags. For instance, use the hashtags #beattheheat to post content on DIY projects that keeps your skin cool and fresh during summers.

Avoid posting lengthy cumbersome content

Save yourself and your audience the effort. Don’t post annoyingly long and cumbersome content. Trust me, no one really bothers! Also writing lengthy articles require a lot of time and effort that all goes to waste. Instead of increasing your followers it decreases your popularity. This time and effort can be much more productively utilized to create innovative and engaging content or get inspired! Post crisp and to the point content, add pictures and vibrant colours to make it attractive and interesting to look at. Remember the audience likes content that is relevant, readable and easily accessible.

Never take your audience for granted

This is the worst possible thing you can possibly do! Always remember that the audience always has the choice to switch over to someone who’s better than you. Don’t expect them to hang around and wait for you they have a thousand more options. Just because you posted one good article doesn’t mean you’ve won their loyalty. It comes over time and consistent performance. Also never compromise on the quality just because you want to post a large quantity of articles. Don’t post every day, make a schedule and stick to it.

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Exploit the peak hour, the timing is the key

Surveys tell us that afternoons are known to be the time that gets the maximum traffic. Hence to become a trendsetter you first need to ensure that the readers are viewing your content or not. Even if your content is good it will never be able to feature on the user’s newsfeed if not posted at the right time, time and tide will wait for no one. Get noticed by the audience to earn their likes and following.

Build the right connections-follow famous people

On ROPOSO you can not only know all about fashion but also follow many fashion icons and world famous celebrities as well. From their favourite brands to their style statements you can now know it all! Also this just gets better. If they find your posts appealing enough they might follow you back as well! It would sure stir things up a bit and trigger your follower base making your profile a trending topic!